colorful carpet made of crochet

Let's make a rug to decorate the room of the girls?
Today has PATTERN Happy Florzinha carpet if you prefer you can only make the flower is beautiful too.
This piece was crafted with the strings, and in my opinion this pink color, string, is the most beautiful I've ever seen!
Video lesson below.

The manual and craft technique that involves making crochet rug / string is still used and is a great way to earn extra income with work or even a way to decorate the house. The use of the game can happen in several ways, after all, there are many possibilities and styles, and this allows the Joker ask different decorating styles.
Styles and designs: simple crochet rugs surely you have heard that less is more. And that's exactly the idea of ​​this type of rope mat. The no-frills model may be in different formats, and is usually done with string, but this is not the rule. Up may vary slightly in some places, but the idea is simple and trends that may be made by beginners in practice. Among the most commonly used points are the chain or highlight to give some relief to play.

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