Based on Baroque Natural

Implementation of Carpet Degrade Crochet

This beautiful carpet in four different colors is very beautiful to decorate your room, your room and anywhere else you want. For this use colors that can match the room decor where you want to use it.

To do this beautiful work will need the following materials:

1 Natural Baroque;

1 Baroque Maxcolor n. 7727, 7259 and 7311.

Below we share how to make your carpet degrade:

- Making within the magic circle 12 pa;

- 2 dc in each basic pa, pa this career do the picking in ringlet the basic pa, interspersing a career taking in 2 ringlets and the other in ringlet back to the end of the carpet;

- From this career increase 12pa in each row and this increase will occur in the first pa which have 2PA together at the base (Vezinho) and the rest will be 1PA until we get to in the first of 2PA together at the base to do 2PA together on top of him

- Make 18 rows she had been with 2PA together separate 16pa (one in each basic pa)

- Last career over the first pa which have 2 tr together make 1bp 3corr 6ponto highest taking 3 times 3corr 1 sc in the same place and then 1bp in each basic pa until we get the first pa Vezinho.

Beige, brown and brown tile

- In the first race taking the ringlet back we will 1bp 3corr highest 6ponto taking 3 times 3corr 1 sc in the same ringlet, 2bp one in ringlet another low point in the next ringlet and we will do again 1bp 3corr ...

- From this career whenever we 2PA always together in the first pa do 1bp 3corr 6 highest point taking 3 times 3corr 1bp in the same place and then make pb until you reach the first pa which have 2PA together.

Image credit: tjsartesanato.blogspot

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